Friday, September 20, 2002

Today's Title:

Kate Nagel Eats Glue
I usually assume that anything I care to say in Chinese I can say in Mandarin as well, so when we were supposed to tell a story in Chinese class I told a joke, except really badly and no one understood me. I told it to Joyce in Cantonese, and it made her laugh, and she told the class in Mandarin, and it made them laugh, and I told Willis in English, and it made him laugh too because he wasn't paying attention the first two times. It's sort of discouraging that my Mandarin is so bad. I like talking to Joyce in Cantonese, though this is more of a necessity because her English is bu tai hao. I think in taking foreign languages being bilingual is a major disadvantage. I'm so used to understanding what people say all the time that I get discouraged easily when I don't understand what people say or when I have to struggle to get a point across verbally, and it's like banging my head against a brick wall. I keep thinking that I've improved and then someone says blahblahblahblah in Mandarin and I feel like an utter retard. It's frustrating talking even to Joyce sometimes because while she's not as fluent in Cantonese as I am, so when I'm explaining some stuff in English, she doesn't get what I'm saying, and I can't explain using English terms to her because that's what she's having trouble with in the first place. Let the brick wall headbanging begin.

Because Statistics is such a Poof class, at the end of the period I was Student of the Week and introduced myself to the class. For some reason the class thought I was hysterical and one girl asked if I thought about being a comedian. It's glue. It's not that funny, and I can't be funny on command in any case. I'm boring most of the time, and I can't think of anything to say to the Bivalves or at Alex's Parties. Elsewise I'd have more friends.

I'm quite excited about my field trip next Friday to the National Gallery of Art, and then to a Chinese restaurant, though Mrs. Barret had issues with the last part when she was signing my permission slip. Yay! Milla's going too! I love my Chinese class field trips, except that normally I don't have anyone to talk to on the bus.


Well, okay, going with Milla means I still won't have anyone to talk to on the bus.

But I'd enjoy her company in any case.
Yes, I have signed up for publicity crew.

Now what?
Palmeritis! I'm asking you all to flood with Palmer fanfic, preferrably slash. I mean, maybe just poems or something. I know I wrote a poem with Palmer in it, and Jen says that people write poems about Palmer in Spanish.
Jung-fu! A fighting movie involving deep probing of the subconscious mind.
Thursday's Title:

Belgium Is A Country

So, on Thursday, I was coloring my map during lunch (I actually don't see why this is immoral. As long as your homework is done before the class where it's due and you don't do it in other classes, it doesn't matter what part of your free time you use to do it.) But I didn't get to eat lunch. Ah. But archaeology had a pizza party. Still didn't entice me to volunteer for the Harvest Festival though I'm tempted to go just as a visitor. I hate little kids.

Sort of strange because Gordon asked Angela to go to homecoming with him but not. ("This is a failed attempt to ask you to go to homecoming with me." -Gordon to Angela) Since technically Gordon didn't ask, only failed to ask, Angela didn't answer the non-question, and I spent some time with Angela debating it. Andrew said that Gordon actually did ask, but in a guy's form of asking, which apparently would be by not asking. I understand. Anyhow, Angela arranged for me to go to homecoming with Gordon and I thought this was okay, though I think someone ought to tell Gordon about this.

Spent some time for some reason talking about sandals to Jason Hall, who we found in band practice on our futile search for Malex so that I could mooch a ride, and found it a minor annoyance that Angela would respond when Jason was addressing "Angie" and I would respond when he was addressing "Angela" so we'd end up answering things at the same time. I went home on the Rideon after Jason got creeped out by this Twinangie-ness and stumbled away in a dazed stupor.

Quote of the Day:

Rob (in history, pointing to an itty bitty piece of map I didn't color): Hey, you didn't color in Finland.
Me: Who cares about Finland??? (turn around to find Milla walking in)
Let me tell you about my week.

Okay. So.. belatedly, Sunday was fun. Meg hadn't seen Titanic yet, so we watched it, and me and Alex ended up making silly "COMMUNIST!" interjections throughout. As usual, Andrew had scientific nitpicks/explanations for everything. Rob played Risk.