Saturday, September 11, 2004

Went to the Inner Harbor with my parents today to watch the fireworks explode over Fort McHenry. Those of you who serve and make this possible for the rest of us, I thank you.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Involvement Fest today. It was fun people watching. Unfortunately, the Political Economics booth I was manning was sandwiched with the Baptist Ministry, the Catholic frats, and the Mormons, so people basically walked by quickly, trying very hard not to make eye contact. If I had wrangled in the Republicans' Club member dressed like a giant flip-flop, I could've made it Conservative Alley or something.

Moved the booth next to the quiet heavily-trafficked College Democrats and Habitat for Humanity tables, and got quite a bit more traffic after that. As a bonus, I now have gimungous John Kerry for President sign which I'm displaying at my dorm room window.

Hey, did you know that there's a group going to Florida to campaign for Kerry? Man, that takes dedication.
Jeremy came to visit me on the weekend. It was very nice. Same feelings that I get whenever I see him after a long interval. You know how it is. I get used to not having him around and it gets weird with him around, and then I get used to having him around and then he leaves and its weird again.

He told me how much he missed me. We also talked about what sort of weapons would be most effective against a T-Rex.