Friday, October 26, 2001

I'm reading Alex's blog. He's thinkariffic. Weird, I'm usually of the opinion that everyone is happier than I am (*insert egotistical teenage angst here*) but I guess not. Well, I know that everyone else angsts but just don't hang their dirty laundry up to dry, so most of the time I forget. It's a general rule that other people look so happy until you live with them.

I was also thinking that if I ever got a tatoo, it'd be a calligraphy Pi symbol on my hipbone. Doesn't matter which one. I dunno, it seems like a meaningful symbol of human intelligence, but not just that... but um... human integrity? People look at me funny when I tell them I want pi on my pelvis, but I really do believe that. I'm a humanist. I warned you. No one would ever be able to see it though, unless I one day chose to wear low-riding jeans and a tank top. Woo. YES that's so me. Rhinestone studded jeans and a torn spaghetti strap camo tank top. Maybe I'll get Hermes' wings tatooed on my ankles. That might be overdoing it. T wants angel wings tatooed on her back. Like Rinoa.

I wonder what Nick and Alex would get for tatoos. Andrew wouldn't get a tatoo. If I looked at him, or showed him my blog, he'd wonder a) why I'm consistantly spelling "tattoo" wrong, and b) he'd look at me over his glasses and blink, and then incredulously enunciate, "Why?" And I'd answer something really stupid like, "Um, I was just wondering" or "You'd look cool with a tatoo." And Nick... I dunno, he's flamboyant but not extroverted though he might get one just for the halibut. I don't know what of. Maybe something in Latin. Something like, "Veni, Vedi, Vici" or ...uh. I dunno. Lorenzo D' Medici's balls. Or something totally retarded like "Please mind the gap." Alex would get.. um... something symbolic and thinkariffic whose significance I'd miss. Something real manly like the logo of "Dragon Warrior." No. But I can see him doing that.

Thursday, October 25, 2001

The Catapult Museum Online is down. It makes me sad. :( I was gonna design my own trabuchet.
I'm in an insufferably good mood. HA.

I like scootering. Because my bike is flat. Alex's bike isn't flat. Homaster. Rock Creek park is really nice this time of year, BTW, because the leaves are all golden and crap. I went under a bridge where cars were going over, and I climbed up the scree under the rafter/support/pylon thingies. It's kinda weird having like a ton of steel and combusting engine oil going at 50 miles an hour 3 feet above your head. It sorta sounds like you're on a beach and the surf is coming in, except it never goes out. I need to go check out
that Lunar Bridge website thing. Alex. remind me. Plus, I got water all over my feet by turning on the wrong part of the water fountain. Maybe it's for washing off dog crap or something.

My October 22 post scares me. I'm editting it. It cuss too much, and it's not very nice. Now I really wanna peanut butter sandwich.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

I've been in a bad mood today. People seem to be universally pissed off at me and misconstruing things I say so that it seems like my life is a perpetual argument. I mean, even the things I do for fun are a perpetual argument. Like playing Zelda and tearing my hair out over them puzzles or reading "Atlas Shrugged", which is basically an attack on my belief system even if it's a good book and Ayn Rand's been dead for.... ?

But it's all right. Never underestimate the value of a good friend. I love you, Azzie. In a platonic way,of course. :)

Monday, October 22, 2001
Dry water!
Whenever I log onto anything I always have trouble coming up with names. Sometime it's easy, if what I'm logging into has a definite audience- if it's people I know, it's usually my realname because it'd be pretty stupid to log in using a handle like MegaBabe5341 or something. I use different names to roleplay, and that isn't a problem because the people I'm roleplaying aren't supposed to be me anyways. God this is inane but I'm glad I'm typing it because 15 minutes ago when I was talking to Alex I felt that I didn't have anything to talk about, and how that always happens to me. Sometimes I just really want to write down everything I think, but I don't have a pen with me, and when I do have a pen or a keyboard with me, I don't have a thing to write. But most of that time that's when it's like the middle of the night, and the Midnight Muse has come to pay me a visit and GOD she pisses me off, because I just want to sleep and not think about jack like the meaning of life, because it isn't going to help me any. But when I'm actually writing a lot of the times I don't have naything to say. It's why I don't keep diaries. They piss me off. I piss me off. I don't like reading what I wrote.

ANYWAYS. Names. I was talking about names. I can't find the one word that defines me, and I feel there ought to be one, even if I can adequately find a word that defines that facet of my personality that I'm typing under. I should have used 'amorphous' as my name, but whatever. What the hell was I talking about? Every name I've used has its own personality like its own face, and everyone I talk to with that face see me like that.

I dunno, maybe it's not so much as me changing as people's perceptions of me, or people making me feel different in comparison to them. Hell. I want to get me a peanut butter sandwich.