Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I was morally disturbed last night because I killed someone in Whitewolf (the Nagah setting). Kay said it isn't any different from Counterstrike, but I think it is, because Counterstrike is just like a pixellated game of paintball. Maybe people's heads explode, but they do it in such an over the top spray of ketchup that it doesn't matter (it's actually kind of funny), and people respawn within the next fifteen minutes anyhow. In a pen and paper role playing game you actually choose to kill someone. If you have a choice, and make an immoral decision, then you are capable of being evil.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Wherein Angie Gets Girly Friends

So, on Sunday I met up with Sasha (someone in my archaeology class) for dinner before going to the library to work on our papers. So I was like eating the dining hall food and kind of blah, and I saw her t-shirt which said, "Sherwood High School."

So I was like, "Hey, do you know Lauren R?"

And she was like, "OMG!"

And I was like, "OMG!"

And she was like, "OMG! She's the coolest person ever!"

And Jeremy was like: '-_-

And I was like, "OMG! She is!"

And she was like, "OMG! Lauren has the prettiest hair ever!"

And I was like, "OMG! She cut it."

And she was like, "OMG!"

And I was like, "It's not like she shaved her head; I don't think. OMG!
Do you know Janis D?"

And she was like, "OMG! I do! Do you know Caitlin S?"

Yes, yes, yes, and OMG.

So I gave her Lauren's phone number, and now we must call and inflict visitiness over Thanksgiving.

Just Because It's A Single-Celled Organism Doesn't Mean It's Not Human

Jeremy is of the view that human life starts from conception. Therefore, the morning after pill, which keeps a fertilized egg from being embedded in the lining of the uterus, is murder.

Monday, November 24, 2003

A Winner Is Me!

So Jeremy had this argument over dinner with Fat Eric about whether belief defines reality, as continued from, oh... a month ago. (Jeremy's theory is that people are only capable of observing what they expect to observe.) Jeremy won this one. Everyone said he did, but it really wasn't a challenge because everyone expected him to win in the first place. It wouldn't have mattered what Eric said, Jeremy was pre-destined to win the argument because he's more charismatic, so that's what people saw.

This, noted Jeremy, proves his argument.

Angie's Vagina Party

I sheepishly joined UMBC'S NOW chapter. It's kind of embarassing; I was at the Commons for lunch and since there were no seats inside, I went outside, where there was this small rally among a sea of bewildered (and mostly male) onlookers.

Apparently according to NOW, Bush is responsible for all my life's problems.

I never knew.

NOW supports such things as affirmative action ("The end of affirmative action will be the end of equality in America!" -_-), which I dislike, and abortion, which I also dislike (though I'm vaguely pro-choice). Various college girls in perky little skirts and rimmed artiste glasses punctuated the speech with enthusiastic applause ala Bush's State of the Union address, and yelled empowering things (Hell yeeeah! You go, girl! Tell it like it is!). I sat quietly eating my lukewarm lunch and cringed, hoping nobody I knew saw me there. I happen to support privacy laws regarding the medical records of minors and confidential access to birth control for minors, as well as contraceptives education in schools as opposed to abstinence-only sex ed, and non-surgical abortion (aka the abortion pill), but as I was sitting there listening to the combat booted broad* on a soapbox ranting, "We must return power to the people!" I felt like a big Nazi.

I do menstruate once every month though, so I am a woman, but clearly I must have read the letters wrong because it really ought to be NOLW, the National Organization for Liberal Women.

I picked up some pamphlets on how to help the pro-choice cause, and this amused me: "Donate $15 to a pro-choice organization once every month until we elect a pro-choice president!" "Leave pro-choice slogans on your answering machine!"

That sounds like a great ide- ... no.

*Nothing wrong with women in combat boots in general, just this particular woman in combat boots.