Friday, September 30, 2005

Woe is me
I am drowning in
Oscar Berninger! Fix the ice cream machine,
ruiner of hope and dasher of dreams.
Dining hall lord on your dining hall throne,
I pine for my frosty desserts in a cone.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

As An Amusement For Myself

Helena Helena Helena Troy
taunts the girls and tempts the boys
cross the sea in Troy's black ships
armies bleeding at your lips

bright-eyed beauty pyre-lit
false and pretty, can't commit
want a boyfriend think you will
how many people have you killed?
1...2... 3... 4..
.... Fall comes heralding the smell of wood and the wings of geese.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The trashbag skull-and-crossbones hung, the seaweed skeleton hanged. On screen and song through mist and fog, ol' Errol's Sea Hawk preyed, Penzance pranced with a piratey dance, and Sparrow cried "Parley!" We downed rum coke through cannon smoke and golden wine we drank. Jelly shots burned down our throats as we learned that there's such thing as too high a proof...

Arrs were arred, wenches busty, cap'ns were dashing, seamen lusty. Hookhands dual-wielded, patches elastic, the big tacky hoop earrings clipped-on and plastic. The pirate hat filled with doubloons passed around, and teeth went a-gnawing with gold to be found.*

Arrs and Avasts filled the near crack of dawn
the day after, one question:
"Why's the rum gone?"

*especially the chocolate ones, which are virtually indistinguishable from the plastic ones