Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Ah, yes, tis movie review day.

Saw Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail last Friday. It was... unfunny. I think it was because I've heard it quoted so many times, and was so familiar with it even to the point of having heard sound clips, seen clips/parodies/allusions to it/read scripts of some of the skits/seen the trailer. The few skits that were totally unfamiliar to me were fairly amusing, but the other ones weren't funny so much as random. It was really prettily filmed though with an awesome score and at times I even regretted all the jokes and such getting in the way of what would otherwise be an awesome medieval film.

Nonetheless, I want some coconuts.

Saw the Count of Monte Cristo over the weekend on DVD, and it's a kickass movie. I thought it would be crappy, but it wasn't. Oooh. James Caveizel is hot. Yay. Also starring Guy Pearce and the now late Richard Harris. :( They're all excellent actors except for that guy who plays Denglars who can't seem to do anything but scowl a lot and ham it up. You all need to watch it so that I can make fun of it with you. Well, watch it once in English, then watch it again in French with English subtitles. Try to figure out rational explanations for Alexander Dumas' ridiculous plotline. Go. Amuse yourself. But not in that way, Alex.
Ah, yes, tis movie review day.

Went to "Big Fat Greek Wedding" at the Regal with Nick, Ranwa, Lili, Stevie, and Anika.. actually, they went to the theater first, but I had rejected myself because Ranwa couldn't cram so many people in her car (since Barry had been wanting to go at first), and since I had already seen the movie and since I was broke. So I tagged along after Alex wondering if I could mooch a ride home from him but he was feeling sick and tired and cranky so no. Went to the lobby but GreekCo had left already so I walked to the Regal in the pouring rain without an umbrella and a moisture-absorbing jacket, but thankfully with a hood. Couldn't find anyone in the theater lobby, went downstairs without passing the TicketMaster or whatever you'd like to call the guy at the bottom of the escalators but still couldn't see anyone in the food lines, went back upstairs, checked the time on the big clock outside which said 12:35 and cursed myself for walking slow since BFGW started at 12:25, and camped out on the Regal benches to dry. But I realized that the clock probably hadn't been set for Daylight's Savings, asked a random person in the theater for the time and confirmed this. Figured GreekCo was probably around somewhere and checked the surrounding restaurants and found them at CalTor. Ranwa was nice enough to buy me a ticket- I owe her $6, though I could theoretically just give her my Emergency Pass.

Cleaned off Nick's salad (you unhealthy non-veggie eater) but on the downside had the aftertaste of onions in my mouth for the rest of the afternoon. Found RM dominating the theater, including Chris Lee who was complaining about the cold due to his shaved head. Liberally mooched off of peoples' popcorn and chocolate, watched the single movie trailer there was, and the first hour or so of BFGW, which was better the first time around but still funny. Was interrupted in the middle of the movie by fire alarm, forcing us up the stairwell with much cursing by the small number of non-RM people at our showing at us for prodding them to move. (Honestly though, how much of a safety announcement do you need to listen to? The gist is.. get out!) And out. When we left the exit it turned out we had come out from that small outhouse-like building across the street from the Regal, so at a loss for what to do we simply walked back into the Regal where throngs of people were (disobediently), coming up into the lobby on the escalators. This mass mingling of everyone in the theater was actually a pretty good social occassion, since a good deal of people were RM people like Mike Correll and I bumped into Erika N from Eastern, who I didn't recognize at first because she keeps her hair short now, but she recognized me. Noted with a bit of smug/selfish satisfaction that she isn't as pretty as I thought she was before. Though she wasn't ugly. Just .. different... looking. This was before the theater workers made us go back outside again. The firemen came, went inside, talked to the theater employees, went downstairs, came back up, and came back outside to the loud, though probably overzealous applause of the throng massed outside the doors for their brave heroism. I heard from random people that the cause of the "fire" was most likely burnt popcorn.

We were supposed to trade our ticket stubs for Emergency Passes (aka free tickets when we come next time) but I couldn't find my stub so GreekCo went down without me. I found mine eventually in my coat pocket, which is where Ranwa told me to look in the first place. Bah. Went downstairs, couldn't remember which auditorium to go into and went into the The Transporter by accident, and also felt a strong urge to wander into Veggie Tales, but was a good girl and asked for directions and finally ended up in Auditorium Number 8 where people were wondering if I was still alive. Yes, we did finish the movie despite Nick saying he was fated never to watch BFGW all the way through.