Friday, February 15, 2002

I finally got a blog for a fictional character, as Nick encouraged. Heart of Gold. I was thinking of writing a short story earlier, or drawing a comic, but since I can't write plot for shit and my drawing is inconsistant, I believe the best thing to do with a good idea but sucky abilities is to create a fictional blog. Maybe it'll develop a plot over time, I dunno. Alex says I try very hard to be amusing, but I'm not. Which he meant in the best way possible, but it's still discouraging. It took me forever to establish the blog team things- I just ended up getting a seperate user for that HoG. God I'm such a dork. BTW, song that Sims likes is not "Bridge of Khazad Dum" but "A Knife in the Dark." My bad. It sounds much better from the official soundtrack in Balrog's earphones than on my computer on an mp3.
Why do they call it a Snowboarding Parallel Giant Slalom? Is there a Snowboarding Parallel Tiny Slalom?
Emi's a really good artist, but the style she enjoys emulating is awful. The apex of that art style is *Pokemon*, and she really could do so much better. I'm not saying she has to do something lame and conformist, but the Pokemon style really is crappy. I don't have anything against anime, and even by anime standards, Pokemon is crappy. Some manga art honestly blows everything away, and Pokemon isn't it.
14% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?
Andrew threw out his rose!!! Jerk.
it's rather amusing that someone in the Olympics skated to "Duel of the Fates." Dork.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Quote of the day

"2 million people attended. Napoleon had a cannon fired every hour at his coronation."
"At the crowd?????"
"Yes.. 'Thank you all for coming to my coronation- GIVE EM A WHIFF OF GRAPESHOT!!!!' "

-Mr. Thomas and Jesse.
Turned in my physics problems set afterschool. Missed the bus. Spent my afternoon at FineLines, sorting roses and tying cards to them and crap. Been very nosy. But not as nosy as the girls working next to me. "I can't believe *he* has a girlfriend!" "Yeah, he probably sent these to himself! I can recognize his handwriting!"

I tried to get Cathy and David nice roses. I personally thought they looked (the roses, not the people) pretty ratty because we were nearly out, but people say that closed buds open the next day, while the pretty ones today wilt tomorrow. I hope so. On another note, Natalie has an anoymous lover.

Keep getting pricked by thorns. Man, people should dethorn the things. I know I did with mine. Some poor people didn't know the right first period teachers, so those roses are in the Bucket of Lost Souls for identification later.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

I had such a hideously good idea that I had to wake up in the middle of the night and Blog it. Is that devotion or what?

Goddammit, I need a Muse who doesn't live on Grenwich Time.

See, people can fight underwater, or do mad kung fu in the air, or do mad kung fu on deserts or on top of trains or cars or swinging from ropes or flaming logs. So, my newest idea is....

MORTAL COMBAT ON ICE, (starring the Flaming Skates of Doooom) Aka the Ice Crusades (but that term was invented by Gary Larson).

Why wield only two blades simultaneously when you can wield four???!!!

(next installation in series: Ben Hur Bobsledding..)

Monday, February 11, 2002

Boiling more dumplings. God, what's with me and dumplings?
I think socializing is a lot like puddles. Everyone has cocentric circles of friends around them, and is connected to everyone else, even people they aren't friends with, when the farthest-out rings overlap.
Check out this cool poem by Tat!

A Valentine's Day Medley:
She walks in beauty, like the night
Filled with stars and rocket ships;
All that's best of dark and bright
Glisten in her eyes and lips:
Good God.
She's all that and a bag of chips.
So I tells her:
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Oh baby, you're so much hotter:
You're kinder than the kindest buds in May,
Cooler than the hydrant's gushing water;
Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
But at my back I always hear
Time's boxcar racer roaring near.
So do me, baby
Like you never done before
Oh, give it to me
Till I just can't take no more
Do me, baby
Like you never done before
I want you now,
I just can't wait no more.
The Knights of Solamnia are such wankers.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

There's a bit pot of water on my stove. Hmm. What should I do?

Boil some dumplings!

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz

Made By: myway and teza

I know the person who made this. She's on a Mud I'm on. Which is pretty funny, because I got this link from Jen..
I got blue last time. I was a bit frightened. Then I figured out that I had forgotten to answer the priority questions.

Oh, Quote Of The Day: Behind every great man is a harem. -That Guy Who Draws Sinfest.
I don't think this scar on my face will heal by Monday. Cool.

I'm inexplicably proud of falling off a rock. I'm "hardcore". Riiight.
I get more morally conservative as time goes by. It's creepy.
The Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony was quite... tacky... blah. I mean, the national anthemn and the flag and the president would have been enough. But a good opening ceremony anyways. Zifei was there. Did I mention? Yes I did. Cool. It was real cool when the skater lit the Olympic rings on fire with his flaming skates. I want flaming skates. If only the NBC people didn't jabber like demented monkeys when they brought in the flag from Ground Zero. God knows everyone ELSE in the stadium was respectfilly silent.

The Olympics make me feel inferior. (What a stupid statement.) But I mean, I'M not doing anything to be faster, stronger, blah blah however it goes. It makes me feel like such a dumbass. Look at the IB, with its Debate Team and Young Demorepublindependents and Young Black Leaders and Model UN and Mock Trial and you can see the little midget professionals sprout into the next generation's lawyers and politicians and lobbyists and diplomats like fucking chia pets. The IB is for people who want to pursue Arete.

See, see, my ambition is to be a hermit and sit on my ass in a small hut with food and a garden.
Found a nifty new artist. Heather Alexander, nice Celtic music singer guitarist type lady. Riiiightt. Her album cover art sucks though.

I should be reading Palmer. But Dragonlance is so much more interesting. Just as a note, Elves SUCK. Okay.
I wanna be a kender. I wouldn't feel any fear, and everything new in life would be just a great adventure.
fuck Fred Durst. Link provided by courtesy of my friend Ian at RPG World. Yes. I once sort of kind of knew THE Ian online. God, that makes me proud.