Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Letter home, September 19, 2006

Hi Mom, how are you doing?

I've been doing ok back at school. Went scuba diving for the second time
and it was really fun, not as scary this time. We did some exercises where
we had to take off our gear underwater and put it back on, and also we
dropped our airtanks in the water, swam to the surface, and then dove down
to retrieve them again. In the last exercise we had to dive and breathe
from a tank underwater, swim to the next tank and breathe from that, and
swim to the next tank, before coming up again. I inhaled a lot of
chlorine. I was a bit anxious about being underwater without an air tank,
but it was okay, and I'm glad I know how to do it in case an emergency
arises. I think I could handle myself fairly well on a normal,
non-emergency scuba trip.

Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day, which is a holiday made up on the
internet, and occurs every September 19th. So far I am the only one at
school dressed up like a pirate, but some other people at least know what
I'm doing. Every one else is trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Me and Jeremy are starting on assembling our Halloween costumes. The years
previous we have always been very last-minute about it, so we figure now
is a good time to start.

That is it so far. The first round of midterms are rolling around,

See you sometime,