Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Oh, Sharon.. I've been thinking of seeing Treasure Planet on Friday the Thirteenth at 2:20 at the Regal, if I can get someone to drive. Heard it's a good movie, but it's bombing at the box office, and it's very short. One hour, thirty four minutes, so we should be out by four. How's that?
LOOK, everyone! I have a new reader! It's Sharon! Since like.. three people read my blog.. this is actually something of a novelty.

No, not the Object Of Hank's Affection Sharon.

This Sharon is our resident elf. Say hello.
No school! RAWWWK!

The trees are very pretty with their coating of ice. My dad said they looked like they were blossoming again.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Gamers' Club actually did something on Monday. I was pleasantly surprised. We're starting Starblade, which is "A LARP for the Gamers' Club of Richard Montgomery High School Designed by: Humza Kazmi." He's our spastic DM.

"In 720 DR, in the lands of the Bitter Sea, war broke out, embroiling all the powers there in a titanic struggle, lasting for five years. The Empire of Riva, a power to the south, attempted to stop the war, and peace talks finished twelve years ago. Now, the region has been thrown into turmoil once more, and Riva is now attempting to prevent a second war from ripping apart the Bitter Sea lands. An emergency conference has been called on the neutral island of Starblade. Now, will war once more break out amongst the Seven Nations, or will a new era of peace dawn? It is up for you to decide."

Rightyo, a conference. But without coffee or donuts. I'm glad this version of LARPing doesn't involve running around with cardboard shields hitting people with foam swords, or I would've walked out. So now, instead of pretending to be saving the world in the midst of adventures and epic battles, we can save the world through talking... and talking.. and talking.. Sounds good to me!

I am, with a guy named Han, representing "Ssi'Morgya," the nation of Merchants. Now, first of all.. what sort of freakish name is "Sissy Morgeeyuh," or "Smorgy"? Goddammit. Secondly. We're Neutral Evil. I find it to be an annoying and hypocritical fantasy convention that Merchants are always evil, when a good deal of writers are from the US, which basically is the merchant nation. Silly. It's the whole dumbass "money/capitalism is evil" thing coming through. Alex!! Give 'em a smackdown!!

I'd like a name like "The Barony of Montcalm" which is a nation of Cavaliers. I can understand a mage-o-cratic nation (whateva.. thaumacracy?), a knightly order with governmental powers, a seafaring nation, a Viking nation, and an elven nation (even though Elven is a race, not an occupation... RACIAL STEREOTYPING, I SAY!) but a nation founded on a bunch of people poking each other with swords and yelling in French.. seems very odd.
I think the meetings are better now that we're actually doing crap, and Andrew Durfor is coming and I'm getting to know Mary better.

Mary is, for those of you who don't know her, a freshman who goes to Archaeology and also is a major fan of Harry Potter and LotR, being one of those people who actually call it, when they are speaking, "El-oh-tee-ar." She despises slash. She reads 8 Bit Theater. With Andrew, a new era of geekdom for me has dawned! MWAHAHAHA!

Nick. She has brown hair.

Nick was bored with Fellowship, which he watched independently. Bah. But now that I know he doesn't care, I no longer have to invite him to any Lord of the Rings' Watching Sessions, meaning I can hold them on Fridays if I so wish. Why anyone would want to watch Star Trek: Nemesis but not The Two Towers is beyond me.
My mom is reading my blog.

She didn't understand the "Neelix is Gay" thing. It was sort of weird explaining to her that in my free time I was, with my friends, debating the sexuality of a guy on Star Trek.