Friday, December 03, 2004

... so I was burning a CD for Jeremy when the drive caught on fire.


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Mmmm.... carpet!

Take a gander at Sisters, a Wild West lesbian bodice-ripper written by Lynne Cheney in 1981. It's out of print now. Mrs. Cheney, for obvious reasons, refuses to have it re-printed... but you can read the entire book online.

Get it from Amazon!
Yale Owns Harvard

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

This is all true

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is quite high
You are a computer geek
Your strength is you can see in the dark
Your weakness is caffine
You think normal people are aliens
Normal people think that you are deranged
This fun quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 139779 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Monday, November 29, 2004


Well I feel I should say what's been going on for like the last two months.

I was on the World of Warcraft open beta for two weeks or so, causing Jeremy to become the first ever Warcraft Widower. Most everyone I know had WoW- though Kay was playing with the color-contrast on his monitor way up, so that we'd get blinded every time we walked into Teldrassil. The night elf city has green grass and a purple sky! Oi! @___@ Anyway, I played a nudist dwarven Paladin who relinquishes her worldly goods (clothes) so that she may better contemplate virtue. Nobody believed her though. Then the beta ended and both me and Jeremy went through withdrawal.

In the middle of October, Jeremy moved into a nice apartment in Columbia in a complex called "Lazy Hollow," which Niall joked would be full of Mexicans. Still a nice place though, close to a bunch of restaurants (carry-out sushi!) and a grocery store, and with a balcony and woods out back. Moving in is a bit like playing the Sims... there's so much unused potential to every room, when the place doesn't resemble a home yet and like clay, you have all the unshaped dreams in your head. We spent the first day or so assembling furniture, including a very reluctant dinner table, the metal of which we actually had to warp in order to get the bolts to fit.

We went to a pumpkin patch for Halloween and got pumpkins to make jacko-lanterns out of. We still have the pumpkin goop in the freezer for a pie sometime.

Jeremy got to vote in Maryland. Despite having lived most of his life in Pennsylvania, he wasn't allowed to cast an absentee ballot for there because he happened to move to Maryland like a week before the election. That bummed me out slightly, but since Kerry won Pennsylvania our consciences are clear.

I learned to knit. I made a stupid generic tan scarf. I plan to knit dicebags for my RPing group; with my fuschia dice bag and hot pink die, I plan to be the girliest RPer to ever walk the earth.

I've also been learning to cook, with more opportunities at Jeremy's place to experiment, and Jeremy's been teaching me. I took a picture of a sight that brings me joy; a cute guy cooking breakfast for me in the morning, in tight-fitting underwear (and nothing else). Also, I shall use this digital picture for blackmail. As for cooking, I'm amazed that it's really not that hard. My mom always made it seem like some big mystery. Back when I lived at home, I remember recriminations somewhat along the lines of this: "I cook for you every day and do your laundry! The least you can do is (blank)!" But whenever I'd try to cook to release myself from my debt, my mom would always hurry me away, saying impatiently, "I'll do it!" as if I was fated to mess up or something. Most of the time she thought cooking was a waste of time for me and wanted me to do schoolwork or something. Even if I had no more homework to do, you can always do more "schoolwork." (Sadly, in the IB, this was even mostly true). But anyway, now I am no longer inept at cooking. My crowning achievement is sliced fried potatoes. Yay. I can also make French toast. With peanut butter. This last bit makes Jeremy's head explode. "But.. but... syrup!!!" He has real maple syrup though, the good kind. I can't really blame him.

We had sex too. Nobody reads my blog, and those that do never read my long posts in their entirety, so I'm confident that my secret is safe. Does it feel good? Not really. It hurts a lot, less than getting a cramp while swimming but more than giving blood (though neither comparison is really apt, because it's a different kind of pain, like being torn open. Being that mine is not really a pain-filled life, it's hard to describe). Despite that though, there's a feeling of vulnerability that forges intense trust during the act, and irrational bubbly happiness for hours afterwards. I don't think it was terribly transformative; I'm not one of those medieval girls who one day is playing with dolls, and the next day, once she's had her first period, is whisked off to her marriage bed and then can't see unicorns anymore. Looking back, I think I lost my virginity over a long period of time and not in any one act. (This probably makes sense only to me).

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.