Friday, January 24, 2003

What the hell? Malex's Evil Italian Clone.
This is what's up with me.

Frezzo wants me to take Concert Choir as a class next semester, but I really want to take Drawing and Design. It's probably my only to chance to take an actual drawing course.. as in, someone actually instructing me, not me reading some book or something, and should help me improve leaps and bounds even if according to Malex there's not much to it. I'll at least benefit from the practice, and stuff stolen from the art supplies, and I've never used charcoals before. It feels like if I don't take a course at least some time in my life, I'm going to be continuing to slog through Drawing Medocrity for a good long time. I know I'll have a lot of opportunities outside of next semester in my life to take a drawing class, but I'm afraid I'll simply never get around to it, like I've never gotten around to taking horseback riding, mountain climbing, skating, skiing, weaving baskets, and writing The Great American Fantasy Novel. (ha) I like CC but not that much; truthfully, the only reason I'm in it is because I feel horribly lonely when people start spontaneously singing in the halls and in class and at parties and stuff. It seems like everybody knows the same songs except for me. I don't know how to tell Frezzo though; it sounds kinda wrong. "Gee, I don't really like singing, I'm just doing it because my friends are doing it."

Saw Gladiator last night, rented by my dad. V. good movie. Have now been initiated into the enjoyable world of R rated violence.

("The Cube" does not count as enjoyable)

Learned how to use Microsoft Xcel this afternoon. Am V. productive, but still happy. I suppose it wasn't very good that I was doing "due on on Friday January 24" physics labs on Xcel today, but anyhow. Done is done, and I'm still happy.

Am going to Josh's party in an hour. I feel kinda guilty about this, because I was walking down the hall in skool with Malex and Josh was passing out little papers, and he gave one to Malex and I sorta took one before seeing it was an invitation and thinking, whoops, it's sorta his prerogative to give one to me. I invited myself to his party. Blah. >_< There really isn't a graceful way to give it back. Wonder who'll be there. Also hope his house ain't cold. Malex says (or this is something he would say): YOUR MOMMA'S HOUSE AIN'T COLD LAST NIGHT! Anyhoo.