Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Game on the Brain

Did you hear? Some paladin won the roll on Baron Rivendare's Epic Mount. It's one of the rarest drops in the game. In Character, I wonder how this obscenely lucky lawful-good Holy Knight of the Light, champion of chivalry and justice, is going to justify that pimped-out undead steed named Deathcharger.
  • "He was.. uh.. on sale."
  • "He's gentle! Really!"
  • "Those obsidian horns are for decoration!"
I have a really hot wallpaper of Arthas Menethil (not Arthas Terenas*, you fools!) on my desktop. This is one of him back when he's human, not the Death Knight one which proliferates the internet, because frankly I don't want that psychotic smile gleefully Cheshire-catting me every time I start up Windows.

I wonder whose face the artist used for reference?

Some guy made a replica of Frostmourne. You know you're pretty sad when you have less of a life than Arthas.

Excerpt from a hilarious editorial honoring Arthas with the Dumbass of the Month Award:

"Quote: "It's time to fight fire with kerosene!"

Key Appearances: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, because once he's doing the whole Undead bit he's no longer qualifiable.

Qualifications: Poor ability to think out consequences of actions, ignorance of obvious progression, lousy hair, looking half-drunk, not having played Starcraft far enough to pick up on this particular plot twist

Redeeming Point: Really, I have no beef with undead Arthas whatsoever.

Damning Point: This is essentially saying that he's smarter dead than alive.

Inaccurate Statement: "Arthas just didn't know where his path was leading."

Correction: Hmph. Sure. That shit didn't fly with Kerrigan, either."

The rest of it is even more entertaining.

*Really now. I don't understand why this misnomer persists. Nobody goes around addressing real monarchs by last name, so why start the habit with fictional, computer game ones? You'd feel pretty dumb referring to Queen Elizabeth (I) as "Queen Tudor."
Excessive Profanities

Some fucker on the World of Warcraft forums spoiled Half-Blooded Prince for me.

What's ironic about this is that he had the spoiler in his sig, which I missed completely because I don't read forum sigs anyway. However, some well-intentioned fuckers further down the thread were saying things like, "Hey, you should change your sig," and "You shouldn't post sigs like that here," which, of course, made me curious. So I scrolled back up to read it, like a dumbass fucker.

You fuckers!