Saturday, December 29, 2001

I really hate the way Asian (meaning Chinese because God knows Indonesian or Thai culture can't be conveniently packaged and commercialized) culture is mass marketed. Somewhere along the way, stupid pricks have decided that the pinnacle of Asian culture is tiny bansai trees and zen gardens and ying yangs and misty mountains and mysterious dragons and rice paper screens and trendy characters that you print on shirts or tattoo on your arm without knowing what they mean. You know, PF Chang and Crouching Tiger stuff. (either that, or from the way movies put it, military secrets ) It's not necessarily bad, it's just false. The "Orient" is as about as mystical and exotic as my armpits. The essence of China is being loud and crowded and smelly, haggling for chicken in a bustling marketplace or fighting for the last piece of pork on a platter with four generations of extended family or little kids begging for gifts and attention on New Years from family friends. Chineseness is the most ghetto and commonplace thing in the world if you want to rely on the opinion of billions of people all around the world, not some $50 designer Soothing Fountain especially made for Americans with a lot of money.

If I see a certain someone with her fake Chinese satin jacket eating some fake Chinese eggrolls with some fake "Orange Sauce" talking about how the fake Chinese fighting on the fake Chinese sets in Crouching Tiger was SO COOOOOL...

I am going to toss my fake Chinese non-fortune cookies.

I am not *offended*. Just severely annoyed.
Last day of Kung fu. Woohoo! Good. Now I can actually do some fun excercise, like Dance Revolution.

Morpheus hates me. It won't let me get an account and it keeps cutting me off in the middle of downloads. And it's slow as @#$. Spacie made me download some weird R&B thing that's only 4 minutes long but took 40 minutes to download. Well, at least now I have some semi-hip music on my computer.

Thursday, December 27, 2001

I thought the holidays would suck because my mom would be home from work and hence with me 24/7, but it hasn't. It's been nice. Most of all, it's been nice to feel like I totally don't have anything to do. Well, I do, but it doesn't matter right. Now. Ah, the luxury of time.

There, Alex. I blogged.