Friday, March 29, 2002

I not typ3ing in 733t voluntalily. |\/|y k3yboal|) is not woiking. Wh3n I typ3 coitain l3tt3ls, it |)o3s co|\/||\/|an|)s lik3, iph I typ3 '|\/|', it will |\/|ini|\/|iz3.

Go|)a|\/||\/|it. An|) Nick ha|) just wish3|) |\/|3 a b3tt3l |)ay phlu|\/| Pittsbuigh. |\/|y luck sucks. But pholtunat3ly 4 |\/|3, I hav3 substitut3s 4 |\/|ost oph what I can't typ3. 3xc3pt 4 on3. You know. Th3 on3 Chin3s3 ppl cannot plonounc3. Th3y plonounc3 it as an l. |\/|Y phl3n|) V3ctol sugg3sts I typ3 it as 12. But it looks nothing lik3 it. |)a|\/|n, I ph33l so illit3lat3. But this is solt oph a|\/|using in a sa|)istic way.
What a bizarre two days of spring break. Yesterday, I wake up to find winged ants swarming out of a vent into the kitchen. It's not that odd- it happened last year too, but I wish my dad had gotten out the bug spray earlier. Spent like two hours with a vacuum cleaner sucking ants into bags, and no, that is not a sexual euphemism. Reminds me of Luigi's Mansion, that game where he sucks ghosts into a vacuum cleaner, only this is the ghetto version, "Angie's House." We need the Orkin man. I'm glad I'm not insect-phobic, cuz that would've been a nightmare.

Walked to the Bauer Drive shopping center with Shpachee, went to the Chinese restaurant there, where everyone working there apparently knows me. It's very disturbing. My Dad's friend works there now, apparently. They didn't give us sweet and sour soup, but they charged it anyways, I suspect. I didn't say anything. Shpachee's parents freaked when my mom dropped her off back at her house, and she was like "Oh my god, do you have winged ants in your clothes??" Jeebus, it was like we were dogs with fleas or something. These are the same people who have "Anthrax Letter Opening Gloves."

Last night, apparently, the power went out in one room downstairs, and as a result, the air filters (those things in fishtanks which create little bubbles for the fish to breathe through their gills) were rendered unoperational (dumb Trekkie language, but I can't think of a better term for it, since they didn't technically break). The giant koi in those two tanks all died, except for that one tiny one which always gets beat up, which was put into the working tanks.

Swarms of ants, dead fish.. is this some sort of plague upon my house or something?

Monday, March 25, 2002

Yes! I always wanted to be called a "vermin invested midden heap"! Wow, I feel so loved.
Nothing quite like a nice long session of Dance Revolution. You know what would be the ultimate in coolness? The Lord of the Dance Revolution. The game, not the movie. You can have like.. Gandalf in jamming to songs like, Afronova, and Hey Nick Not So Quick. And Frodo breakdancing to Hey Mr. Wonderful. And Peter Jackson crowd surfing to Boom Boom Dollar.

Sunday, March 24, 2002