Sunday, November 02, 2008

You can be either on fire for Jesus, or off fire. It’s a binary operation. There is no such thing as partially on fire. However, this is not perhaps the best analogy because by natural law, anything on fire must consume fuel. If you are on fire, what is burning? It logically follows that whosoever today is on fire for Jesus, will tomorrow be a burnt out husk for Jesus.

However! Let us assume the fuel is not a physical thing, but something which humans have in plenty and whose loss will not be missed. Assume this metaphysical fire consumes and thereby destroys its fuel, burns on sin, purifying the soul like a self-cleansing oven.

Hm. At what temperature does sin burn? Do mortal and venial sins have the same ignition point? How many joules of energy are produced? At what spectrum frequency glows the flame? I humbly submit these theological questions to the Lord Our God.

(The Lord Our God says I take analogies too seriously.)