Saturday, September 06, 2003

"Western slash fiction has never been taken up commercially, and most women’s slash fanzines barely make enough to cover costs. But Japanese publishing companies with an eye for profit have picked up some of the brightest amateur YAOI artists of the early 80s and published their work. One of the earliest ‘boy love’ monthly magazines was June (pronounced ju-neh) first published in 1978. In 1995, June was still being published, now in a 300-page bimonthly format, and with a circulation of between 80,000 and 100,000 (Schodt 1996: 120). In contrast, G-Men, one of Japan's most popular gay magazines, sells only 20,000 copies per month (McLelland 2000a:140)."

-Homoerotic manga


Also, a comparison of Western and Japanese Harry Potter slash fandoms.

Friday, September 05, 2003

My email box decided to empty itself, so if you all would please resend your contact information, that would be just dandy! I need to start writing people; I'm tired of my roomie getting all the mail! ^__^
Angie Tells A Story

It was a fine afternoon in September, still the tail of summer but yet with the brisk and cool feeling of autumn to come.

So, Angie was walking by the Commons and saw Pat there, but he didn't see her, and he was with some girl with his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Agh," she said. "Sexy Genius Pat already has a girlfriend!"

So Angie went to her dorm and crawled into a ball and cried. Her heart comically went tinkletinkletinkle like when someone throws a brick at your window, which is really only something that happens in cartoons, like lightbulbs over your head and little hearts for eyes. <------ Artistic license. This paragraph.

So, more realistically, Angie went to her dorm and ate some Pocky and other fattening sugary foods. <----- True.

(To answer Sharon W's question... I think maybe 20% of my blog is embellished for dramatic effect.)

My biological hourglass is ticking... ticktickticktick.... or whatever the hell sound hourglasses make.
In biology lab today, we were getting our blood tested, which involved stabbing ourselves with sterilized lancets. This was optional of course, but I didn't want to feel like a big wussy so I went ahead and did it. You know that I for the life of me cannot make myself bleed, not even by "milking" the finger and stabbing myself multiple times. (These were tiny tiny lancets) (Though I was probably doing it wrong... I couldn't aim all that well, and probably wasn't stabbing myself hard enough. Motto: If it doesn't hurt, you're doing it wrong!) I could bleed. Problem was bleeding onto a glass slide before the blood either soaked into the wood of my sterilized toothpick (used to move our blood from the wound to the slide), dried into a rusty smear, or soaked into my alcohol-swabbed skin. I have this problem in giving blood and blood testing normally. Maybe I should drink more coffee to get my blood pressure up.
Will M needed to be consoled because he got rejected by a girl, and by console I mean going up to his room to watch him play Counterstrike. Do I understand boys? No, not really.

Anyway, I thought it would be amusing to have a pornographic mod of Counterstrike, so that people's sex wouldn't cut into their quality CS time.


"Enemy spotted."

"Cover me."



Thursday, September 04, 2003

Gawd, I have a new cell phone and so don't know how to work it. I'm like calling people by accident.. this is a coincidental way to get in touch with people I haven't talked to in a while, but Jesus, I'd like to talk to people only when I intend to!
I went to fencing, which is by its nature, dorky and white. Had the obligatory en garde advance retreat lunge class. Had my lunge corrected.. yet again, have to step farther, like my foil coach said over the summer. Seems like I haven't learned anything. Will do it again. It may get funner once I actually get to wield cutlery.
So, I went to math today, and I suddenly remembered that ad Lauren told me about. With the two brothers who wordlessly smash a Hotpocket so that the stuffing splatters all over their faces. Do you know how hard it is to try to sit quietly in a room for an hour biting on your hand trying not to laugh out loud hysterically? I was afraid I would have to excuse myself and run out of the classroom to the bathroom going, "MWAHAHAHAHA!" the entire time, my laughter echoing down the hall after me. Everytime I got myself somewhat under control and paying attention to the professor my mind would be like, "HOTPOCKET!" and then I'd collapse into an internal fit of giggles every time.

It's never happened to me before.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

You Asked For It

Also, something else: The mad frenzy of introductions and friend-making is slowly winding down, I think. We're starting to get Groups* now. I think I may be relieved.

*Such as the group of Ancient Studies majors I met today, who are very hardcore, with Hatshepsut t-shirts, Aristotle quotes (in Greek) plastered on their backpacks, and various pieces of Renaissance and Greek art tattooed over their bodies. They are the punks of archaeology. We discussed the prospects of getting a tattoo of a Minoan octopus or monkey, in the style of those found painted on the walls of the volcanic island of Thira. I think the girl in question should get the tatoo on her butt. So when people ask, she can say, "I have Minoan Buttmonkeys!"
The Boy I Don't Like But Who Prompts Philosophical Introspection

My Escaflowne SVCDs do work, though on Pat's computer. He must be some sort of crazy genius. A sexy crazy genius.

This is totally unrelated (related to something of course; nothing I think of is truly random.) I really hate it when my male friends get girlfriends and leave me in the dirt. It's not that I even have to like these male friends in "that way" to be bothered; it's just that I think "Why not me?" I should like to have someone fall in love with me, even someone I don't like. Let me ask you something:

If I were less fat and had bigger boobs and were white, would people love me more? It's not that I have overwhelming lack of self confidence, it's just that I wonder. These things have been scientifically proven to make an impact in finding jobs and commanding a salary, even when people first judge by merit and try to be as open minded as possible (at least about things that don't affect profit opportunities). Everything else matters little. In love, where there are no rules and no one to sue you if you turn someone down, no one to tell you you aren't being fair, where people can fall out of love over such little things as a person laughing too loud, biting their nails, singing in the shower, not putting up the toilet seat, wouldn't it be naive to think that it's not a worse situation? We like to think of love, like justice, to be blind, the great unifier of people of all nations, classes and religions, but isn't love also, if you think about it, the most prejudiced institution of the known world?

I wonder what those little invisible things are, those little habits and personality quirks that keep people from loving me...

...and also, which invisible ones people would fall in love with.

Do you know something else? Will lives in the room directly above mine, as I have mentioned. I usually think of the distance from it as the distance from my room, down the hall to the stairwell, up the stairwell, and down the hall again to his room, but if you think about it, there usually is not ten feet seperating me from him at any given time. So when I'm lying on my bed at night staring at the ceiling what I really am staring at, or would be staring at if I had x-ray vision, would be the back of his head.
Nicholas D Wolfwood wearing only sunglasses and a cross.

Vash giving Wolfwood noogies.

Look, I know you can't stand my yaoi, but it's been a shitty day okay? Shut yer trap. (Yes, the links do work. If they don't, go to the picture directory, then click on the links from there)
It's Too Early in the Day for Romantic Entanglements

It's also too damn early in the year.

Jesus fucking Christ.
Ebay Hates Me

(Stolen verbatim from an AIM convo with Lauren)

Ebay says I never paid for the Trigun poster.. I have to wait five to seven business days to check my credit history online to see if I did pay. If my bank says I paid but ebay says I didn't, I will e-mail the seller and uh... negotiate. If my bank says I indeed didn't pay, I will politely apologize to the seller, pay him, and ask him to ship. I have a receipt though. It is very weird. The seller placed the poster for auction after he never got my payment, but fortunately the auction expired before anyone bid so theoretically he should still have the poster unless he sold it or gave it away offline. And the Escaflowne SVCDs (complete series for $16), I won, but the SVCDs don't work on my computer or my suitemate's computer, even my computer with a ton of Codecs. I'm thinking it may work on a real DVD player but I'll have to check up tomorrow. Everyone I know with a DVD player is either asleep or doing homework. I don't know think I'll be able to sleep without knowing if it works... I mean I don't have anyone to bitch to, because it is bootleg, and the seller clearly said he'd never viewed the discs.. that's my $16 down the drain if it sucks.

I'd be happier if I had either the Vash poster OR the videos. The fact that the state of both are uncertain pisses me off to no end.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Legolas gained some weight. XD!

Link courtesy Lauren.
Battle of the Wills

-Back at school. Have returned to attach external speakers to my laptop, and hang up posters to make this place look more like home. Van Gogh's Sunflowers, and Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, and a poster of a Napoleonic tallship, which I got for free. It's actually a fairly classy promotional item for Russel Crowe's newest movie, "Master and Commander." I may take it down if the movie ends up sucking.

-Got Counterstrike to work.

-Decided, since my conscience was stinging me about downloading but not sharing, that I was reasonably safe on Kazaa as long as I share obscure files the RIAA has no interest in, and have started sharing again.

-Hung out with Will M, the Will who lives in the room above me. He is a comp sci major too but not to be confused with the other compsci Will I know, Will Cooper who made me an oragami crane and lives off campus. I call Will M "rude Will" because he disses Will Cooper on AIM, insisting there can only be one Will.

Went with him and Melissa to order Chinese takeout and watch Osamu Tezuka's "Metropolis." (Osamu Tezuka btw is the creator of Astroboy, and I think Kimba the Lion). Very god-like movie. Mindblowing visuals and music, and profound too. Malex, you should watch it. This is a good anime movie to get non-anime people to watch. For those of you in Film Studies or whatever, yes, it is based on Fritz Lang's Metropolis, the famous 1930's-ish silent film. I have that at home; I will bring it to compare it to the anime version.