Saturday, January 05, 2002

You know what will be a very difficult drawing study? Nick S in drag. I'm doing it for a "back issue" of Skank Mag, since Nick B has requested more porn. Hmmph, and he doesn't even take the time to laminate them. I don't want him to soil my beautiful covers. (BTW, Life Sucks, their is no Hope in this World, angst angst, the System is drowning me. Etc. Old news.)

Friday, January 04, 2002

It's hard drawing porn. And don't even think of that as a pun. I just can't get poses and skin texture shading right. I guess the first step in learning to draw is learning to see things, instead of drawing what you think you see. And then the next step is drawing things in 3d on a 2d medium, like, learning how to put the basic geometric shapes that constitute every object on paper. Which is where I'm at now. Now I need to learn the subtleties of lighting and texture. I think that's maybe my new goal in life. That and becoming a porn artist.
J. Ro's prediction was correct. Apparently, the Marquis de Sade *did* use tongs. Heated tongs. BUT. Since none of you who read this are in my history class you wouldn't know what I was talking about. Dammity. Aleeeexxxxxx.... get betterrrrr. Yes, history is fun again. It's more Alcibiades type stuff and cones and less 'the grain taxes in 1521' type stuff. Monday! Marie Antoinette's cleavage! Physics is moderately entertaining too. Black holes! I guess it's sort of loserly of me to be talking about school. But really, it's my main... thing. I spend 6 hours a day going there, all my friends are from there, I plan my schedule around it, down to when I eat, I do more homework at night... since I'm getting a free education (you could argue my sanity as the price, but that was Hell Week before winter break, not now), I might as well enjoy it.

I saw 60 minutes about the Lost Boys of Sudan, a bunch of young African men who had their parents killed and were chased out of their homes by the civil war when they were little kids and had to walk through the desert until they got to a refugee camp. Now a lot of them are coming to the States. It makes me wonder what *we* get depressed for. Maybe it's that we figure out that there's more to life than having a safe roof over our heads and three meals a day and a bed. But there's a lot of opportunity here too. We just have to know where to look for it.
I'm happy. I feel I'm getting back into the swing of things again. As opposed to Nick S, who is hitting his "Depressed" phase. Strange. It's going to snow on Sunday! Woo! That makes me happy.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

Which Lord of the Rings character are you?

#1: Eowyn (My favorite!) #2: Grima Wormtongue #3: Barliman Butterbur #4: Boromir #5: Denethor #6: Frodo Baggins #7: Gimli #8: Legolas #9: Eomer #10: Samwise Gamgee (Sam) #11: Treebeard (Fangorn) #12: Faramir#13: Peregrin Took (Pippin) #14: Saruman #15: Arwen (this is the BOOK Arwen, not the movie Arwen) #16: Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) #17: Lord of the Nazgul (Witch-King of Angmar) #18: Bilbo Baggins #19: Gollum (Smeagol) #20: Sauron #21: Galadriel #22: Theoden #23: Elrond #24: Aragorn (Strider) #25: Gandalf Mithrandir

Well, the results are all over the place.
Poke the Bunny!
Wow, I did exceptionally unwell on the physics retake. I mean, for a retake. And possibly for a test in general. Nick gave me a giant gelt piece. So now i have more in my meagre stash of Christmas goodies. Woo. If I ever get around to it I'm going to write a poem on black holes.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Sunday, December 30, 2001

Lord of the Rings is a kickass movie. Just for the record. Also. Does ANYONE know what parts of Palmer we're supposed to read? I'm reading the chapter on the French Revolution, which is what I xeroxed because I left my Palmer at school, so I borrowed Alex's temporarily. I shall be immensely pissed if this is not the chapter.