Thursday, August 12, 2004


Fall makes me depressed, because it's when I go back to school, and the nippiness reminds me of oncoming winter. Winter makes me depressed because of the lack of daylight; oftentimes by the time I get out of class it's dark already. And walking anywhere at night the world seems lonely and deserted and quiet and bone-chillingly cold, while walking around in the summer or in springtime, it's never really quite dark because the sky is fully of clouds and never quite black, like purple or red, and it seems like the world is alive. The only time I like winter is during the muffled silence right before a snow.

I like spring and summer, though I prefer windy days where I can see the wind bending the trees and grass and hearing the rustling of the trees and of cicadas, and where there are high wispy clouds or no clouds at all, so the sky looks like a deep dome where the center is a blue deeper than the light blue around the horizon, and if you lay on the windy grass on your back and stare straight up it seems like you could fall forever up into the sky.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Lovely weather we've been having. The air seems crisp and clean again, even a bit nippy at night. Went to Brookside Gardens on Saturday, and was astounded by how much dedication is put into maintaining the place.

Went to Doug's house on Sunday. It was a rather anti-social social gathering. Spent the whole time either playing video games or talking to Andrew D over the phone as a conference call. Personally, I think the whole video game thing would've worked better if they were actually, you know, 2 player games.

Discussed ideas for Exalted characters, Solars. We gave Doug a little crash course through the history of Creation, but he seems shaky on setting information; he still thinks of things in terms of medieval Europe, the typical fantasy paradigm. I'll have to show him some Exalted-style art (not the official art, which often is rather amateurish ahd cartoony), and of course, "Hero," the martial arts flick. Andrew is psyched about getting a game started but would rather not ST. I may actually end up being the one STing, being the only one who's actually played Exalted before, and the only one with extensive setting information. We're probably going to do a small prelude that will take us to Jade City. Nothing world-shaking. It'll be a good experiment.

Monday, August 09, 2004